With the Augmented Reality First down Yellow Line viewer

Allows the players, coaches, referees, officials and fans in the stadium, to all see what we now are used to seeing on a football television telecast at home. The first down yellow line graphic. www.FirstDownLaserLine.com
It can be installed in the polarized shields, the players now put in their helmets. It's an AR (augmented reality) system, which will show anyone in the stadium, the first down yellow line graphic, that is now televised, as if it were right there in front of them.
Players, referees, officials, coaches and fans in the stadium will all be able to have AR lenses, glasses or googles to see, use and follow the first down yellow graphic line, now only seen on the television broadcast, As if it were real.
First down line lenses for helmets, glasses or goggles, that show you the yellow first down graphic line, at all times. As the broadcast moves and positions the yellow graphic line, so it will also be seen in the AR goggles.
Allowing everyone in the stadium wearing these polarized shields, glasses or goggles to see and utilize the first downs position on the field.
The first down yellow graphic line is followed, up and down the field (as it is on the television broadcast) in the AR lenses in helmets, glasses or goggles.
Our real first down Laser line on the field, is the best. But, we also want to offer the augmented reality work around, to the NFL and College Football - as an alternative method for now.